
Microsoft al partner training roadshow

Experience the power of Al to transform business

May 15

Santa clara california

May 22

Bonn Germany

May 29

Tokyo, japan

Join us and be at the forefront of security transformation! Delve into the heart of modern secops with Microsoft Sentinel. We will begin by understanding the pressing security challenges of today and how Microsoft Sentinel addresses them, from streamlined threat responses to advanced SIEM and XDR protections. During this presales enablement course, you'll familiarize yourself with both the business and technical aspects of this platform, while also discovering the power of integrating AI with Microsoft Sentinel's Security Copilot. We will then shift to a customer-centric approach: listen to a customer case study, discern their requirements, and navigate potential objections, followed by which you work through building a potential response to customer's requirements and handle their objections.


Modernize your SOC with Microsoft Sentinel - Learn

In this module, you'll familiarize yourself with both the business and technical aspects of this platform, while also discovering the power of integrating AI with Microsoft Sentinel's Security Copilot.

Modernize your SOC with Microsoft Sentinel - Know (your customer)

In this module, you will learn about a customer-centric approach: listen to a customer case study, discern their requirements, and navigate potential objections.

Modernize your SOC with Microsoft Sentinel - Respond

in this module, you will work through building a potential response to customer's requirements and handle their objections.

Post-training Skills Assessment

Take this assessment to validate your skills gathered from the self-paced online learning course completed in this course to mark your completion.

Course Completion Survey

Share your feedback with us regarding your experience!